Arable fields and pastures
Our grasslands are sown with biodynamically grown cereals and meadow grasses, plus colourful wildflowers for birds and insects.
farming /
Arable fields, pastures and cattle: we grow the things that belong together.
Do you think of agriculture as a healthy union between nature, people and animals? We feel exactly the same way. At Hofgut Hermersberg we work to the Demeter guidelines – biodynamically and using mixed farming cycles. With this most natural method of agriculture, we produce unique food to be savoured and create even more benefits: fertile soil, species-appropriate livestock farming, increased biodiversity, preservation of the countryside, maintenance of cultural assets, meaningful work, happy people and a future worth living. Why not give us a visit?
Good ideas sprout like good seed.
In harmony with nature as a whole.
Agriculture at Hofgut Hermersberg goes beyond the EU organic seal. For us, agriculture in harmony with nature has a number of aspects:
No chemical pesticides
No artificial fertilizer, no genetically-modified seeds
Animals as part of holistic farming cycles
A balance of give and take, rather than maximising yields
Protection of the climate, soils and groundwater
Respect for habitats and living things
Preservation of the countryside to retain flora and fauna
Fear-free and stress-free slaughter
Vocation, enthusiasm and idealism for our work
Farming in natural cycles
In 1985, we enthusiastically opted to work to the guidelines of the Demeter association because we felt it was very important to think and act holistically in farming. Just like all Demeter member organisations, Hofgut Hermersberg and its products are inspected and assessed annually by an independent certification office.
The oldest and most sustainable form of environmental agriculture.
The biodynamic system as defined by Demeter originates from the early 20th century. The concept dates back to Rudolf Steiner who also established Steiner education and anthroposophy. It aims to pay particular attention to natural contexts and operation as an organism in which people, plants, animals and soil interact.
To find out more visit: www.demeter.de
In biodynamic agriculture, animal fertilizer has extremely high significance. Herbivore animals are essential on the farm – as part of the natural cycle. The human body is unable to utilise grass and clover, but used as animal feed these plants are transformed by cows, sheep or goats into milk, meat and fertilizer. The latter promotes the formation of humus and thus healthy soils. The humus layer stores water and contains nutrients for the plants. It also binds CO2 which is an important benefit in view of climate change. Species-appropriate animal farming includes access to pasture and lots of space in the barn, the systematic avoidance of painful dehorning, preventive antibiotics and hormones and a preference for natural healing treatments.
Demeter farmers and producers do much more than the EU Eco regulation requires. You can taste this as a result. Additives are reduced to a minimum during processing. Demeter sausages are not iodised, contain no nitrite curing salts or so-called “natural” flavourings. All ingredients are listed transparently and in full. With respect to cereals, only open-pollinated varieties are permitted – no hybrid or genetically-modified seeds.
The special feature of Demeter is the biodynamic aspect. It ascribes an additional power and cosmic component to the soil life. To this end, Demeter famers apply subtle preparations of manure, healing plants and minerals to the fields, comparable to a homeopathic application. They have a harmonising and vitalising effect on the soil fertility and promote the inner equilibrium of plants and soil. This creates food in the truest sense of the word, in that it contains life energy in addition to carbohydrates, fat and protein.
In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of cultivation. She ensures the fertility of the earth, the success of the seed and a good harvest.
The stars for the Hohenlohe organic model region are awarded for organic products of an exemplary nature. We received this important award for the best organic quality and regionality in 2021. Since then, our Demeter-standard breads and bakery products, beef and sausages have worn their stars with pride. Thank you for that!
Consumers can rely on the Bio-Stern stars and discover premium quality with many benefits: they stand for products from Hohenlohe that contribute to biodiversity, climate and water pollution control and the maintaining of traditional crafts and they enrich the region’s culinary culture with their special flavour.
Natural agriculture and direct sales – all devoted to your culinary pleasure
Our grasslands are sown with biodynamically grown cereals and meadow grasses, plus colourful wildflowers for birds and insects.
A 50-strong herd grazes the pastures on our farm; still with their horns and family group. Cows with their calves, bullocks, heifers and a bull.
Our biodynamic farming and centuries-old agricultural culture have coexisted well here since 1985. A place full of heart and soul.