Vegetables, cheese, bakery products and much more – and all organic!
farm shop & bakery /
Bread – our daily blessing.
Crusty loaves fresh from the oven.
Everything a good loaf needs. And not a crumb more. Just Demeter grains, natural leavening agents such as sourdough and yeast, water and rock salt. The variations in flavour and appearance result from a combination of just these ingredients, craftsmanship, dough proving times and different ovens. The noble art of bread baking has been neglected over the years. But we love it and have mastered the skills.
The best things in life take time. And that applies to bread too.
And if you would like a little extra, then please let us have your order two days in advance if possible.
Tel 07940 9840-70
You should ideally store your bread at room temperature
in bread wrapping paper or a cotton bag with the cut edge down on a breadboard
or in a terracotta or stoneware bread bin (always remove crumbs and regularly clean with vinegar or heat in the oven to protect against germs)
Never store baked products in plastic
Ours is not just bread.
It tastes wonderfully authentic and bready, but it is also especially wholesome and rich in nutrients. This is all down to the best Demeter standard ingredients and lots of time. Our bread doughs prove for 16 to 20 hours. This is a very long time, even in an artisan bakery, and incredibly long compared to a commercial bakery.
The benefits of time.
As the dough proves for such a long time, the ferment sugars break down better. At the same time, the “good” nutrients are solubilised better and the typical flavours of each type of bread can fully develop. Our bread also remains fresh for a long time and is still tasty after four or five days.
Pure joy.
Our bread doughs contain only flour from Demeter grains, water, rock salt and natural leavening agents – our own sourdoughs, fermentation starter and organic yeast. This creates the genuine, authentic flavour and healthy nutritional value of our breads.
Grow with us.
The Demeter grains for our breads and bakery products are sourced exclusively from our region, whether it be the spelt varieties, common wheat or rye. All grains are milled with great care by our millers in the region.
Bread with character.
Every Demeter-standard grain has its own specific baking characteristics and typical flavour. Examples: Spelt has a delicate nutty flavour, while wheat is tender-mild and rye is acidic and strong. We believe that these differences should and can be tasted in the bread.
Variety by the dozen.
We bake twelve different types of organic bread in our on-farm bakery. More than half of these are made from 100 % wholegrain flours. Our universally popular wood-fired bread always arrives fresh from our historic bakehouse on Fridays. The range also includes spelt pretzels, various rolls and Swabian “souls”.
Cakes, sweet treats and seasonal products.
All year round we sell cheesecakes, sour cream cakes or tarts containing seasonal fruits, along with sweet braided breads, spelt fruit rolls and other sweet treats. At Christmas there are dainty wholegrain spelt “Elisenlebkuchen” and at Mardi Gras there are spelt doughnuts.
Firing up! Baking in the historic bakehouse.
Hermersberg wood-fired bread is unique. We bake it in an ancient bakehouse that used to serve an entire village community. And just like the breads from our modern bakery, the wood-fired loaves have a very specific character. We are on fire for this wonderful bread.
This bread is our pride and joy.
Hermersberg bread from the wood-fired oven is an artisanal treasure and a delight on any table. Because it comes from a traditional village bakehouse that was built in the Mainhardt Forest in 1790. Some 200 years later, craftsmen with museum experience moved the building to a garden on our farm. Indeed, there had been a bakehouse at that location in the past.
Now it has come back to life.
Every Friday, its two stone ovens are fired up for our wood-fired bread. This demands a great deal of experience. Our baker arranges the logs – not pellets! – in the ovens and lights the fire. He tops up the wood until the ovens have reached baking temperature.
Some four hour later.
The wood has been burnt up. The baker sweeps out the ash and pushes the loaves into the ovens. His feeling for the timing is decisive. There is no question of adjusting the temperature or adding more wood. The bread is baked solely by the heat radiating from the stones. The typical thick and crunchy crust is created at the start, when the heat is at a peak. The crumb forms quickly, so it remains soft and succulent. Aromas from the resin in the wood provide the spicy flavour.
Our bread from the wood-fired oven is authentic.
It is simple. And for exactly this reason it is a taste revelation. This ancient, traditional baking method is really worthy of being called our most important food. Bread deserves time and love - in the baking and in the eating.
Many bakeries use processing aids to speed up the proving and baking processes and for ease of technical handling. These additives optimise the manufacturing process and not the bread. Indeed, most additives are banned from organic products. But the EU organic production regulation still allows around 50 additives. Many organic bakery products contain sodium carbonate, glycerine, lecithin, flavourings and ascorbic acid. These are not permitted under Demeter. Another issue is the baking mixes and finished products that are permitted according to EU organic standards. Demeter, on the other hand, prohibits any type of such convenience products. We also believe them to be taboo.
Almost all the vital nutrients and substances are packed into the whole grain. The endosperm supplies carbohydrates, while the germ contains protein and many essential amino acids, plus polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Demeter grains contain these important substances in organic quality. In their work, our millers from the region make sure that the vigour of the grain is retained during milling and afterwards – as do we when we gently process the flour in our bakery.
It is the work that takes place during proving that makes the sourdough. The souring process ensures rising and pore formation. It also fills the bread dough with life and flavour. During the proving process, lactic acid bacteria and yeasts activate the sourdough. This creates carbon dioxide which allows the dough to rise. If the dough only rises for a short time, ferment sugars such as lactose and fructose are retained; these can cause bloating and intolerances. During a long proving process (known as “dough management”), these sugars are broken down completely. It also creates a more complex flavour. Gluten proteins are also made more digestible and more nutrients are created. Time is thus the key to the wholesomeness and flavour of our breads.
Our bakers work with grain yeast and sourdough. Because our dough proves for such a long time, we are able to use just one tenth of the normal amount of yeast. The less yeast we add, the longer it takes the dough to rise – but it absorbs more water, which is good for freshness. Because we bake gently, our bread has a loose crumb and a hard, crunchy crust. This serves to lock the freshness in. So Hermersberg bread is still tasty after four or five days.
Many foods – regardless of whether they are conventionally or organically farmed – naturally contain antinutrients. We know of, for example, oxalate in raw potatoes or lectins in pulses. The most important antinutrient in grain is phytic acid. This binds trace elements such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium and so prevents the body using them. Phytic acid also blocks enzymes that help us to digest. A long fermentation breaks down this antinutrient completely and makes all the energy of the grain accessible to our body.
Would you like to try our bread?
You will find it here.
Tue 8:30-12:00 and 14:00-18:00
Fri 8:30-18:00
Sat 7.00-12.00
We bake every day from Tuesday to Saturday. On Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays you can buy Hermersberg bread from our farm shop in Niedernhall. We also supply other retailers in the Künzelsau and Öhringen area with our fresh bread:
Bismarckstraße 26, 74613 Öhringen, Tel 07941 39494
Haller Straße 119, 74613 Öhringen-Cappel, Tel 07941 38928
Martersgässle 14, 74613 Öhringen, Tel 07941 6463739
Feine Weine & gutes Brot
Hauptstraße 31, 74653 Künzelsau, Tel 07940 9346-0
Steinbacher Weg 35, 74653 Künzelsau-Garnberg, Tel 07940 8392
Freitags von 7.00–12.00 Uhr
Do you have a farm shop, organic shop or market stall in the Hohenlohe region and would like to stock our bakery products? Then please get in touch with us!
OBEG Organisch-Biologische Erzeuger-gemeinschaft Hohenlohe GmbH & Co. KG
Schrozberg – obeg.de
Demeter-Mehle, Saaten, Schrote und Trockenfrüchte
Alfred Pfersich GmbH & Co. KG
Neu-Ulm – pfersich.de
Demeter-Weizenmehle, Kouvertüren, Mohn, Quark
Demeter-Biohof Stier
Hohebach – verborgenerwinkel.de
To be discovered, experienced, enjoyed ...